Walden by Henry David Thoreau was on my reading list for years already. I approached it a couple of times but didn’t finish it until this year. I always wanted to know about the hype this book brought to the world and why it is a must-read for people interested in alternative lifestyles. Plus, I find it very interesting how people manage life in the woods in general. So to this question, I got some answers. But besides that, I found it rather shocking than inspiring that the intentions and motivations Thoreau got living in a forest for two years are still relevant these days because society hasn’t changed that much since the 1850s. My top four favorite quotes from this book are, »But I would say to my fellows, once for all, As long as possible live free and uncommitted. It makes but little difference whether you are committed to a farm or the county jail.« This one is followed by, »I have learned that the swiftest traveller is he that goes afoot.« Next is, »I found that, by working about six weeks in a year, I could meet all the expenses of living.« And lastly, »Simplify, simplify.«
Always looking for indigenous literature, I came across The Girl And The Wolf by Katherena Vermette, with pictures by Julie Flett. And I have to say, I just love this book. Guys, imagine a world where all animals are equal and no creature is scorned for their looks or natural behavior! Wouldn’t that be a peaceful life for everybody?! So besides the author’s uplifting view on a wild animal, this book is filled with such beautiful artwork that I just could read it over and over again. This book is made of paper from responsible sources.
Mythopedia von Good Wives and Warriors lese ich gerade. Es erzählt von den unterschiedlichen Fabelwesen, die es in verschiedenen Kulturen auf der Welt gibt. Mit diesen Wesen sind magische Geschichten verbunden, die sehr spannend sind, werfen sie doch einen besonderen Blick auf all die faszinierenden Weltbilder und Entstehungsmythen, die jedes (indigene) Volk sich über viele Jahrhunderte bewahrt hat. Doch ganz abgesehen von den tollen ethnologischen Inhalten öffnet auch die kreative Gestaltung dieses Buches jedes Mal aufs Neue mein Künstlerherz. Mir gefällt der grafische Stil – diese Mischung aus kräftigen Farben und natürlichen Formen verbunden mit geometrischen Elementen und Goldprägungen – außerordentlich gut. Jede Seite enthält mehr oder weniger ein riesiges fantastisches Wimmelbild, das unzählige Darstellungen aus Flora und Fauna der entsprechenden Ethnie zeigt. Einfach wundervoll!
I adore Jane Fonda not only for her work as an actress and sometimes for her sportsmanship too, her activism (despite her advanced age) just amazes me. So I read What Can I Do – The Truth About Climate Change And How To Fix It in one go right after it was published. In many ways, this book is really eye-opening and then also pretty devastating when it comes to the facts told about the condition of our planet, Mother Earth. But, this book is also full of good ideas and links to actions you can take yourself right away, so please read it, share it and do so with Sam Waterston in mind, who said, »What looks like radical today is actually moderation, given the size of the problem itself and the time we have left in which to slow it down.«